Search Results
Efficient Zero-Knowledge Authenticated Data Structures
Authenticated Data Structures, Generically
Efficient Zero Knowledge - Prof. Yehuda Lindell
Authenticated Data Structures for Stateless Validation and Transparency Logs - Alin Tomescu
20151023AH-Zero-knowledge proof based authentication service in the cloud
Blockchain Revolution using zero knowledge proof authentication and encryption developed by wisekey
NOCUST ZKP: A provably consistent 2nd layer protocol | Rami Khalil
Embedding Authenticated Data Structures in Accumulo
Zero-Knowledge (ZK) Proofs—Privacy-Preserving Authentication
Zk0x02 - DIZK: A Distributed Zero Knowledge Proof System - Howard Wu (SCIPR Lab, UC Berkeley)
Andreas Lochbihler: Authenticated Data Structures as Functors in Isabelle/HOL (Isabelle 2020)
Zero-Knowledge Authentication using Discrete Log Hardness